10 Ways to be More Sustainable This Year

The determination to rise to a global challenge such as the climate crisis can often feel overwhelming. At some point, we’ve all asked ourselves what difference can one person make? However, we often forget that even the biggest actions began with small, localized steps. We can all make a difference by understanding the power of committing to plan for a better future. In order to help you on your journey, we have created a list of 10 ways to achieve a more sustainable future.
1. Switch to reusable water bottles – Did you know that Americans still use an average of 50 billion plastic water bottles a year? Although recycling has become a part of our everyday lifestyle, an alarming 91% of plastic still remains unrecycled. Making the switch to reusable water bottles helps to keep our waterways plastic-free. Be sure to pick up your exclusive Legacy Vacation Resorts water bottle from the front desk when you book a stay with us! Together, we can prevent plastics from polluting our waterways.
2. Shop local – An easy yet powerful way to live more sustainably is to shop & eat locally. Shopping local not only offers a fun escape for your afternoon – but you also support your local small businesses and economy. Locally grown produce is usually fresher and has a lower carbon footprint, reducing your overall environmental impact.
3. Eliminate plastics – Disposable razors, forks, cups, and bags – Oh my! Single-use plastics have a direct and deadly effect on the ecosystem around us. Thousands of seabirds, turtles, and other marine life can be easily disrupted by even the tiniest piece of plastic. Start small by implementing reusable bags, getting rid of single-use plastic items in your house, and opt for items made with sustainability in mind.
4. Carpool - If you have to drive, you can make adjustments so your car uses less energy. You can easily reduce your carbon footprint by carpooling to work, or utilizing your car’s cruise control feature.
5. Reduce household energy consumption – Small steps such as changing your HVAC filters every three months, or using a programmable thermostat allow your house to work smarter, not harder, thus reducing your energy consumption!
6. Recycle – You should recycle or upcycle as much as possible. However, also work towards recycling better. About 25% of what ends up in recycling bins is contaminated and instead sent to landfills, according to the National Waste & Recycling Association.
7. Donate your old items – Start spring cleaning early and try reselling items that you no longer use. These items can get an extended life through resale and donation. By extending the life of any product, you help lessen dependence on disposable or cheaply made single-use products that end up in landfills.
8. Save water – If you are able to, install water-efficient appliances in your home. In the bathroom, install a water-saving showerhead and water-efficient toilets that let you choose whether to use a full or half flush.
9. Install Solar Panels – Switching to reusable energy lessens our dependency on fossil fuels. An added benefit? You can save money with the switch! Solar energy is still the most cost-effective source of renewable energy, and companies are coming out with sleeker designs that blend in with the roof of your house.
10. Clean up your river or other local body of water - By taking action to remove the pollution that clogs our local waterways, we can prevent more harmful effects downstream. If you are local to the Florida area, you can join our Indian Shores team on March 18th as we help to Keep Pinellas Beautiful during our Adopt a Coast Beach Clean Up!